(815) 277-9033 [email protected]
Be A Mentor

Be A Mentor

The 2016 Olympics ended Sunday and it seems everyone is writing about some aspect of them. I had no intention of jumping on the bandwagon but I just can’t help it, because there is one Olympic contrast I just can’t get out of my mind. Olympic athletes are...
Act like a 14 year old

Act like a 14 year old

Imagine this: You are a 14 year old girl, the middle child, with an athletic older sister and a clownish, popular younger brother. You are shy, smart and quiet in public situations. Your friends know the fun side of you, but it takes you some time before you open up....
Is Brene Brown your hero?

Is Brene Brown your hero?

This week’s post is a slight departure from my norm, although it is just as witty as ever (or perhaps even more so). Here’s why. I recently finished Brené Brown’s Rising Strong. My therapy clients have been talking about her since her first widely...

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